Mega Anchor Technology
The Mega Anchor uses common and widely understood piling technology. The Mega Anchors unique patented geometric configuration takes piliing to the next level. The Mega Anchors configuration makes it superior to conventional footing systems with the 3 piles locking into the ground providing un matched bearing capacity and pull out capcity of other footings in its class.

The Mega Anchor is quick and easy to install and is fully load bearing as soon as it has been installed. You can save time with no footing inspection or waiting for concrete to dry.
The Mega Anchor has proven to be an easy and cost effective solution to construction challenges.
The system can be used in a wide range of soil types.
The Mega Anchor is fast and easy to install in all climates and geographic locations.
Site disturbance is minimal and the use of chemicals for the treatment of white ants and termites is reduced considerably.
The Superior geometric configuration of the Mega Anchor supports both downward and uplift forces.
Sloping sites:
Eliminating the need for costly excavation and drainage on sloping sites which also prevents against erosion and enables the home to be designed to run with the natural contour of the land.
Allowing for natural ventilation underneath the house which assists with cooling in the summer.
Maximizing sub-floor space:
Leaving under floor area neat and tidy.
Maximising space for access, ducting and other services.
Environmental Advantages:
Minimum environment impact (small footprint).
Materials are non-polluting to the environment.
Mega Anchors are removable, reusable and recyclable.
Rated at 3 tonne, load test conducted on a single Mega Anchor driven to refusal has the capacity in excess of 3 tonnes with no settlement.
Loadings are not an issue for long spans requiring open unimpeded access.
Using Mega Anchor has many advantages over traditional construction methods
Why would you use anything else?
Quick and easy to install
No concrete required
No heavy lifting
No need for heavy machinery
Height adjustable
Impervious to termites and moisture
All steel construction
No post holes required
Minimal site preparation required
Temporary or permanent
Full load bearing immediately after installation
Light weight and easily transported
All weather, all terrain, anywhere
Structural members installed immediately (no waiting for concrete to dry)